DNC reports best-ever February fundraising for a non-presidential year

Source: Politics

The Democratic National Committee said it raised the most money it ever has in February in a non-presidential election year, $8.5 million, according to a DNC spokesperson.

February’s haul was also the second highest the DNC has ever seen, period, according to the spokesperson. Combined with January’s numbers, the DNC has raised the most it ever has in January and February at $18.4 million, according to the spokesperson.

The numbers, obtained by POLITICO ahead of the monthly filing deadline Saturday evening, come on the heels of the Jan. 5 Georgia runoff Senate elections, which Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock swept. They also come under the stewardship of new DNC chair Jaime Harrison.

Harrison was the best-funded Senate candidate ever when he squared off against Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) this November, raising $131 million but losing by 10 points. Some within the party had questioned whether Harrison’s success in fundraising against Graham would be able to carry over to the DNC.

Democrats are trying to hold onto a razor-thin majority in the Senate and a shrinking majority in the House in 2022. Traditionally, the party occupying the White House tends to suffer in the midterms. After former Republican President Donald Trump’s election, Democrats took back the House in 2018 in a “blue wave.”

The DNC spokesperson also touted that the committee has $43 million in cash on hand, twice any previous high point at this stage in the year.

The DNC also has the least amount of debt it has had since 2008, according to the spokesperson, though the spokesperson didn’t disclose the debt level. At the end of January, the DNC had $5.2 million in debt.

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